:: Random Questions ::
14:51 | view comments
Indulge me. I'm obviously bored. Answer any (or all) of the following.
Why is that when we taste something terrible, our first instinct is to go to somebody else and tell them to try it too?
Isn't it tradition to get drunk, smashed, wasted, and pretty much inebriated on your 21st birthday?
WhY 1s iT ThAT SoMe p3oPl3 TyPe iN AlTeRnAtInG CaPiTaLs aNd sMaLl l3tTeRs aNd r3pLaCe c3rTa1n l3tTeRs w1tH NuMb3rS?
Who determines what "bad words" are?
How does a person with a lisp pronounce the word "lisp?"
How small is this world we live in, really?
What makes a hero?
Who do you consider a hero?
Can anybody really have no regrets in life?
Can one ever get bored with thinking?
What is the worst job you can think of?
What is your dream job?
What is my dream job?
How many kids do you want to have?
Are you happy?
What irritates you the most?
Is there anything you must have with you all the time?
How fast can you type?
What is your favorite place?
How long have you been reading my blog?
14:51 | view comments
Indulge me. I'm obviously bored. Answer any (or all) of the following.