:: I Give Up ::
16:17 | post a comment | view 4 so far
I created a LiveJournal account recently. You can find it here. I gave up on it.
I got an LJ account because I thought it had better features than Blogger. The moment I started using it though, I started cursing. There are a lot of things I like about LiveJournal... but so far, they're outweighed by one glaring problem - I can't edit my layout.
Yes, I do get a bit of control over how my page looks, but that's exactly my problem... I get a bit, and that's it. I'm a control freak, and I have to be able to play with everything... or at least I have to be able to fiddle with the parts that I know how to fiddle with. Anyway, I'm babbling. My point is, I want more control and I can't get it.
I'm a geek. I don't know how many people can relate with me right now. I should stop this rant.
16:17 | post a comment | view 4 so far
I created a LiveJournal account recently. You can find it here. I gave up on it.
I got an LJ account because I thought it had better features than Blogger. The moment I started using it though, I started cursing. There are a lot of things I like about LiveJournal... but so far, they're outweighed by one glaring problem - I can't edit my layout.
Yes, I do get a bit of control over how my page looks, but that's exactly my problem... I get a bit, and that's it. I'm a control freak, and I have to be able to play with everything... or at least I have to be able to fiddle with the parts that I know how to fiddle with. Anyway, I'm babbling. My point is, I want more control and I can't get it.
I'm a geek. I don't know how many people can relate with me right now. I should stop this rant.