:: About Time... ::
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I'm at it again - I'm posting yet another photo. It looks like this blog is turning into a photography blog - or at least something that leans that way. If you count this post, five or the last ten entries are about shots I've taken.
Well, what do you expect? I got myself a camera, so it makes sense for me to make use of it, right? Besides, those of you who know me are probably aware of my tendency to get lost behind the camera. If photography is what I spend most of my time on, it makes sense for me to devote more blog entries to it, right?
This brings me to a project I have in the works: a new blog. I've bored some people already with my endless talk about photography - it figures that I can focus that energy into writing about it, right?
I admit, I'm no expert on the topic, but I can learn. Besides, I think this will make the blog more interesting. On top of this, I'm starting with a camera, but little else in terms of equipment. You (if you actually end up reading) can see how I made-do, improvised, cheated, and basically did whatever I could think of to try and get that perfect shot.
Anyway, I have a name in mind already, but I'm still open to suggestions. I'm hoping some of you can give your two cents worth. I'd like the name to still be connected to
driver ng bayan somehow, but don't let that restrict you. Leave a comment if you have a name idea, if you want to make a suggestion, or if you just want to get a load off your chest. In other words, leave a comment. Why? Because I said so.
Wish me luck; and thanks!